The transistor, when fully saturated, could turn a circuit on or off, and then could be used to control an electrical circuit or store information in an electrical circuit. 当该晶体管时完全饱和,能把一个电路打开或关闭,然后可用于控制一个电路的工作,或者将信息存储在一个电路。
The Affections of Step Amplitude to Saturated Output Power in Non-linear Slow-wave Circuit 非线性慢波电路中跳变幅度对饱和输出功率的影响
The Extremal Property of the Maximally Saturated Graph D ( n, k) and its Circuit Uniqueness is maximum. Circle of Friends 极大饱和图D(n,k)的极值性质及圈唯一性
Based on the analysis about the test requirements and the saturated magnetization of the armor plate, the excitation magnetic circuit satisfying the testing condition and a validation system are designed. 根据实验要求,通过对钢板达到饱和磁化的必要性进行的分析,设计了符合试验条件的励磁磁路,并设计了一套实验验证系统;
With a view to reduce the capacity of electrical machines in the system, the author analyses the function of saturated extent of magnetic circuit of the generator, the non-load characteristic of the excitor and the mechanical characteristic of the motor. 从降低系统中各电机容量的这个要求出发,分析发电杌磁路饱和程度、激磁机空载特性、电动机机械特性对拖动系统中各个电机的容量选择的意义。